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Erin Taylor

First Church of God
Alma, Michigan

Erin Taylor is passionate about helping others experience the transforming love of Jesus Christ. Her life and ministry are marked by her love for the local church, passion for developing leaders, and desire to pour out her life for Christ. In the summer of 2017 she was thrilled to begin serving as the Senior Pastor of the First Church of God in Alma, Michigan. Prior to that she served as Teaching Pastor at Church at the Crossing in Indianapolis for 13 years. Much of the story of her life is deeply rooted in the local church. As the daughter of a Church of God pastor, Bob and Renee Moss, she grew up in St. Joseph, Michigan and answered the call to ministry at age 15 at the International Youth Convention of the Church of God. In 2002 she served as Miss Michigan for the Miss America Organization and traveled throughout the country speaking at schools, community events, and many churches. Erin completed her undergraduate and seminary work at Anderson University where she currently serves as a member of the Board of Trustees. Erin and her husband Dan have 4 energetic kids (Will, Noah, Jake, and Anna Kate) and love celebrating how adoption is part of their family story.